We are a small mixed club of some 30 members with a full fixture list playing mainly friendly matches against local clubs home and away on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesday afternoon/ evenings from the end of April until September. We also welcome non-playing social members.
Tuesday evenings are reserved for social club bowling when we combine a little practice with a chat and a cup of tea (5.30pm to 7pm).
Thursday evenings we field a team of six in the Tunbridge Wells Mixed Triples League where we come up against some of the strongest players in the county.
During the season we play for a number of 'in house' club trophies when there is keen rivalry between members to get a permanent mention on the 'Honours Board' in the club house which dates back many years.
Our small four rink green is to be found tucked away in a corner of the Speldhurst recreation ground. Most maintenance work on the green and clubhouse is undertaken voluntarily by members.
As well as our fixtures we enjoy each other’s company at several club functions including a pre-season enrolment evening, a Christmas dinner / presentation evening and a summer club tournament.
We are always pleased to welcome new members and have in past seasons arranged coaching sessions for them with a fully qualified county coach.
Langton Green Short Mat Bowls Club has recently been formed. This is quite separate from the Speldhurst bowls club but comprises mainly of Speldhurst Bowls Club members continuing the sport through the winter in the comfort of the village hall.
Anyone interested in finding out more about us should contact one of our officers or just turn up on a Tuesday evening during the season.
Chairman & Wednesday Captain: Valerie Norman (01892 524374)
Secretary: Linda Boyd (01892 512474)
Saturday Captain: Monica Crundwell (01892 863448)
Sunday Captain: James Moon (01892 861317)